Live Life and Laugh

To live life and laugh is a conscious decision to determine mood. I choose an elevated mood by concentrating on the upbeat and humorous things in life, and have adopted "Live Life and Laugh" as my personal motto.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Two hours of networking followed by three hours of seminar on getting to use the telephone make for an interesting morning. As in all businesses there is a need for getting to know new people and then cultivating them into acquaintances and friends. Like most, I can meet people easily, but any followup becomes a burden, a moutain, a total procrastination.

The networking gave me a heap of cards to prompt me into remembering whom I met at the social occasion of gathered business people. I can indulge in 'what's in it for me' and use the cards as my personal gold mine of future endeavour (provided I can pick up the phone). What happens if I approach such events with the attitude of going to give, to see what I can do for others, to assist them in their business. I have been offered this gift of netweaving (giving without a real expectation of getting) by many unselfish (successful) people who have suddenly appeared in my life. Their generosity has expanded my thinking and has led me to following their collective example. The resulting activity is infectious.

The phone, my link to my business future, probably represents the biggest cost to my businees in the things that I did not do in a timely way, or put off entirely. A partner at the seminar said 'Pick up the phone; it won't bite', a great summary of alternative fears that could be so much greater than using the phone in my life - great way of thinking. Best thing from the seminar: I am not alone in my phone phobia. Face it, release it, move on. Relief brings satisfaction. Now for the action!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

What a blast! 2006 just sped by.

Here's to an even greater 2007.

All the best for Health, Happiness and Abundance this year and always.

Join me regularly for a gratitude check.
Following the news can be depressing - time now to make the news.