Live Life and Laugh

To live life and laugh is a conscious decision to determine mood. I choose an elevated mood by concentrating on the upbeat and humorous things in life, and have adopted "Live Life and Laugh" as my personal motto.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Winter yet?

What a dump of snow over the weekend! This is the view from my garage that greeted me on Sunday morning.

I love it! It's white and clean and fresh and cool. We are advised that we should be up to freezing by about Thursday.

For a sub-Tropical person newly arrived, I am finding this environment exceptionally pleasant. With the appropriate clothing I have been able to enjoy snow shovelling, using a blow torch on the ice base and carving "art"in the snow drifts. If this is still officially Fall, then Winter should be wonderful.

Locals conplain about cold feet. However, since I have none, I do not have that challenge.